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Archive for February, 2008

Full of Os?

Posted by Sathyamurthy www.sathyamurthy.com on February 4, 2008

In the recent stock market crash ((how long we can call it recent? till becomes one month from the crash?) it seems the worst affected were the traders with open positions in the Futures & Options segment of the market.

When the stock prices crashed and with that the futures & options prices also crashed, there were margin calls and people had to sell almost everything they owned if it was listed on the markets. The losses were so much that some even listed (!) their personal belongings to sell.

My friend and I were talking about this.

Friend: You know the market crash affected the traders with speculative positions in the futures and options segment most.

Me: Yes. People were into Futures as if there were no other Options! And so FnO became FnWoe. (Full of Woes)

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